Monday, October 26, 2009

Heart and Mind...& Her ?

If reading is the heart of learning,
then writing is my mind giving.

I don't know, just felt like saying that, cause I stroll by this school board and it says, "Reading is the heart of learning." So I thought about other fundamentals and related them to human anatomy. Pretty much fail, so I'm not going to put them up. lol haha =P

I also wanted to say that, I'm tired of not knowing what to do. I think I'm going to finally quit. Well technically I never even started...

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Not one to Interfere...

Damn, who knew so much can happen at one party.

She wishes she was back with me, but has a man.
I wish I could forget her, cause she has a man.
But I can tell you one thing, that night it felt like i was her man.
Push her away, that was my game plan,
But as soon as she got closer, I couldn't even remember my name, dang!

Now what do I do, do I pursue?
Nahh, my mind ain't heavy, my heart maybe,
So I'm holding back, before I call her my baby.
Cause I rather not come in between, and have her hate me.

Guess I just let her go, I've done it before,
But why does it hurt soo much more?
Maybe cause I'm that man, behind her closed door.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Forgive and Forget...

There is this song that is stuck in my head, Prayer by Kid Cudi. The lyrics are some what deep, it's typical Cudi stuff. The thing is this song captures everything that has been going through my head.

I'll talk about the things I've been thinking about and not linking them to the song because I rather let the reader have their own epiphanies. =]

So basically, a couple of days ago I was at school waiting for a friend to finish his last class, and that's when I saw her. I had forgotten about her, since I hadn't seen her in a while. I realized something that day, I wasn't mad at her anymore, I actually missed seeing her pale but elevating smile.

I found this online and thought that it's a great quote for people going through some heart aches.

After this realization, I was sitting on the bus just thinking about the things I missed and one was hugging her. I thought about how i felt after receiving a hug. The most obvious human emotion would be happiness, and I elaborated more to myself. (Yes I that's what an hour and 45 min do to you on the bus.-__-*) What does happiness mean? We all have our own perceptions of things, and feel things differently, well generally we are ALL different. So what I remember feeling was warm; I also felt as if I had someone to help support me, just by their arms being wrapping around my body; I felt as if this person knew how I felt because when I saw them, the worries of the world were just a blurry image compared to her vibrant aura. While reminiscing about the not so lonely and depressing days, I realized something...when was the last time I hugged someone close to me?...When did I hug my own parents?....and Do they feel how I feel when I'm not hugged? =[
After dwelling in the realization that human emotion is all the same, I felt like balling because I haven't hugged or given any sort of positive emotions to my parents these days. I imagined how difficult their lives are and how me not showing them the time and positive attitude is making it worse, because contrary to popular believe, our parents still love us even if we do things that are frowned upon. That's why I strongly suggest to my friends and others, please don't let little things bring you down, because it'll take your surroundings down too. =[

Thursday, October 8, 2009


It took me some time to realize that you are always capable of learning something new. Its just how you interpret your learning's, which undoubtedly sets us apart from each other.

I learned some great things about the world in my lecture yesterday. We talked about how all research is bias. We looked at key things like what makes us bias, for instance, when growing up, we look at our teachers as authority figures. In some cases when the teacher tells a student that something is done a certain way, the student see that way as the only right way, no matter if they're are other ways, Ms. Brown is always right. =P (My apologies this is from lecture and tutorial)

One thing the prof mentioned was that when growing up, in our teens mostly, we become smart from trying to learn from our own experiences. I felt that, damn, I'm so ahead of my time. Then he mentioned something which I actually tried to stay away from. He said, "Now it's time to become intelligent and learn from others mistakes and achievements." He is so right! He encouraged us to talk to people in our fields, because if you want to be a billionaire, you need to know what the billionaire did to get there, and the best way to do so is to speak to one! The logic behind this is so simple!...

...But why am I still at home typing on my computer?... Because some of us gain the knowledge, but then lack the courage to expand our networks. One of my friend's, Paul, seems fearless to me. Paul seems like that guy that knows what to say in any situation. I believe that I'm only good in those situations when it counts, like getting a job. He seems to be on his game 24-7. I know, it may seem inevitable, so I might as well say it, I am jealous of Paul, but who isn't? lol XD
This leads me back to the beginning, everything we do is bias and subjective. First, I don't see Paul 24-7; and second, I am jealous of Paul for certain reasons, which makes me judge him in my own persona. Which intent leads to every type of research to be bias. =] (Aren't I hilarious? >.<)

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Damn it feels good to be me...

This is my new craving,
p***y and blogging have become the same thing,

I'm basically going to let you know what my blogs are going to be about...
So take it in

Btw, I just think this song goes perfect with what I just wrote. haha X]